----- Original Message ----- From: "Fabio Roccatagliata" [email protected] To: "Trevor" [email protected] Cc: "AMSAT BB" [email protected] Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 9:22 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: IARU Region 1 - Increased Amateur Sat 2 Metre Usage
From the newsletter:
"...In particular, at least in Region 1, the segment between 144.315 and 144.365 MHz has become much quieter...."
Actually the segment from 144.360 to 144.370 is widely used by FSK441 and it would keep almost the 50% of the uplink on the trasponders since the TX period are consecutives.
Even international contests are not so much on this band, sats will be capable to reach people doing local contests (about 2-3 each weekend on region 1) with a lot of problems in order to work sats during the weekends !
In my opinion the best segment should be around 144.000 and 144040.
73 Fabio Roccatagliata
Hi Fabio, IZ1EGT
Unfortunately I cannot open the page
Glad if you or Trevor can send to me the above 43a.pdf file as an attachement.
Anyway according to the actual 144-146 MHz Bandplan IARU Region-1 the segment 144.000 to 144.035 MHz that you propose is used world-wide for 2 meters EME (SSB & Telegraphy )...........WOW ! !
73" de
i8CVS Domenico