Hello, A German user of the IC-9700 (Firmware vers. 1.11) reports the following problem when controlling the radio by SatPC32: When he selects a satellite the frequencies are set correctly, but the downlink mode goes immediatly to DATA mode. With FO-29, AO-07 the radio displays 'USB-D' as downlink mode, with SO-50 'FM-D', the same with all satellites. The mode settings in Doppler.SQF are correct (USB, FM etc.). The uplink mode is set correctly to LSB, FM etc. He can change to normal mode by pressing the field DATA in the mode screen, but when he selects another satellite the radio switchs again to DATA mode.
With my radio (Firmwarevers. 1.06) also the donwlink mode is set correctly to USB , FM etc (without the '-D'). I can manually switch to USB-D, FM-D etc. by pressing the field 'DATA' in the mode screen. The '-D' then remains until I switch to another satellite, because the program sets the mode only once when the satellite is selected. When I switch to another satellite the radio goes to back to USB, FM etc.
Has someone noticed such problem? Many thainks. 73s, Erich, DK1TB