BRAVO, Bob! Well said!
2 rather trite, but very apropos sayings come to mind:
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem," and "Lead, follow, or get out of the way!"
Bob McGwier is definitely part of the solution, and definitely a leader.
73, George, KA3HSW
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Bruninga "
I wish evryone would back off. Bob is one heck of an engineer and technical leader, and that is his job. He is not the silver tongued BS manager. He is not a diplomat and he says what the thinks. We all have rough edges, but as again, I have leared over my 45 years in ham radio...
Let those people with ideas and know how, and initiative and interest PROCEED forward. Get out of the way. Support them where they can. Trying to complain and convince someone else to do what *you* want done in a volunteer progam like ham radio ALWAYS FAILS to make progress and even worse, usually causes those that are leading the charge to give up in disgust over all the ankle biting and nit-pickers...
When I first met Bob I was a little surprised at his frankness and some things that he said, but over the last few years as I have watched him proceed with his ideas and great techincal competance, and I now chuckle at it and leared to take his comments with a grain of salt, to appreciate his initiative and to hang on for the ride!
Let the orators and BS masters hone their craft. And let the engineers get on with building us a fantastic new capabiliity and a new -position- of responsibility within the EmCom organizations that will assure our continued future success.
Bob Bruninga WB4APR