The Houston AMSAT Net has once again gone through some morphing. After being on the W0KIE Satellite Radio Network from our 121st net using SBS-6 on June 18, 1996 we had to move. The W0KIE Satellite Radio Network was a wonderful long term spot for us. Our 726th net on February 5, 2008 began on our new home, Galaxy-25 and the SkyScanner Satellite Radio Network (SSRN).
If you would like to hear us on K-band satellite, you can set your dish and receiver as follows:
The Houston AMSAT Net is on the SkyScanner Satellite Radio Network on Galaxy-25 @97° West, Transponder 23 (12115 Vert), Symbol Rate: 22425, APID: 1794 (DVB Free To Air)
Our internet audio can now be heard at:
RFD1 16k (dialup speed) at http://www.cband.info/rfd1.m3u RFD2 (broadband speed) at http://www.cband.info/rfd2.m3u
If you would like to join us on the IRC either during the net or at any other time.
The IRC is: irc.dishnuts.net Then join the channel #amsat