I am checking out a couple of surplus Paccomm PSK-1 this weekend. I was told that there was only one version of the PSK-1 firmware, BUT I have discovered that is not true.
S/N are hand written on the PSK-1 printed circuit board.
S/N P10511
*********************************************** * P a c C o m m P S K M o d e m * * Software version 2.01 CSUM: 6717 * * COPYRIGHT 1989 Digital Signal Systems * * -with Kansas City Tuner REALTIME Support- * ***********************************************
<1> Mode: Manchester (Satellite) <2> Modem: Out-of-Line (TNC's modem) <3> Joint/Split: Joint (VHF RX, VHF TX) <4> AFC: None (Provide no AFC outputs) <5> Mic-Click Sense: Active-Low <6> Clicks-per-Step: One <7> Maximum Step Rate: 2 per second <8> DCD Output Sense: Active-Low <9> RS232 Speed: 1200 8N1 <A> KC Tuner Radio Type: None
Enter Function# or ESCAPE to exit... ----- This earlier 1989 version (2.01) supports the KC Tuner function This version of the PSK-1 will turn ON (slave operation), when the host TNC-2 is tuned ON
----- S/N P10809
*********************************************** * P a c C o m m P S K M o d e m * * PSK Firmware version 2.10 CSUM: 2A05 * * (C) 1990 Digital Signal Sys, 1991 PacComm * ***********************************************
<1> Mode: Manchester (Satellite) <2> Modem: Out-of-Line (TNC's modem) <3> Joint/Split: Joint (VHF RX, VHF TX) <4> AFC: None (Provide no AFC outputs) <5> Mic-Click Sense: Active-Low <6> Clicks-per-Step: One <7> Maximum Step Rate: 2 per second <8> DCD Output Sense: Active-Low <9> RS232 Speed: 1200 8N1 <A> Help:
Enter Function # or CONTROL-C or ESCAPE to exit... ----- This later 1990 version (2.10) removes the KC Tuner support and replaces it with a Help function. This version of the PSK-1 will NOT turn ON, when the host TNC-2 is tuned ON. Power ON function has to be separately performed with each modem.
===== Interesting discovery and behavior.
Any thoughts?
Greg w9gb