Reading the subject line, I may have somehow mixed sarcasm with a potential pun (eye of the beholder!) <grin>. Sorry for that.
I seek to avoid investing in a set of cable producing hardware (or assembled cables) which I will regret later. I am hoping to get some guidance regarding coax for:
1) IF patch between equipment (male-male BNC's)
2) 2m feedline (N-connectors) (<50')
3) 70cm feedline (N-connectors) (<50')
4) A later potential for feedline carrying microwave frequencies (>1GHz)
The frequency & loss-rate charts for coax are informative, but I'm not sure I'm seeing which connectors will fit what cable brand/types. With the variables of loss, dimensions, flexibility, and potential proprietary crimping systems, etc., I don't have enough experience or information to confidently make an online materials order. Things were much easier down here with just HF frequencies, RG-213, and good quality (weather protected) PL-259's! <grin>
For IF patch cables, I figure these are conveying HF so the cable type/loss at 1-3' isn't very important. But, there is also shielding: A consideration?
. Any thoughts on IF cables?
. Plus, I've never attached a BNC to a cable. Easy? Avoid it?
. Plan on a new crimper/die?
. Or, if premade would be cheaper (just a few IF patch cables), any quality sources to recommend?
For the 2m & 70cm feedlines, I know flexibility may be a consideration on rotating/elevating masts. Of course, I'm sure a rigid feedline may be superior elsewhere, but I am not at that point yet. Still, advice on that subject is gratefully appreciated. I need to provide good questions to hope for good answers, so what feedline you would recommend for:
. Reasonable flexibility/portability
. 2m-23cm
. Modest power
. <50'
. For use with n-connectors
The benefit of you knowledge and experience is much appreciated.
Mark W9AT