I will be on Santa Catalina Island (IOTA NA-066, near Los Angeles) from Friday afternoon 4 May through Tuesday mid-morning 8 May, and will work J-FM satellites as my time (and horizons) permit. Monday is the best time to try if you can only fit in one or two passes. I will be busiest with other things on Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday mornings, but hope to pick up at least one AO-27 pass on those days.
Passes will be recorded. Unless i ask for a fill, you need only give your callsign (and grid), phonetically if i don't talk to you routinely. If things get really busy, i'll take callsign with grid squares in groups of three, "net style".
PLEASE if you are a 'regular' on satellite in the Pacific or Mountain time zones, please don't call me on trancontinental passes until i've worked all the folks east of the Mississippi (unless this is the only pass you can work). Postponing any routine 'hellos' would also be much appreciated on such passes.
I'll send everyone cards (as that's easier for me than trying to figure out who needs or wants one). SASE are not necessarily, i only ask that you work me near home (CM87 or CM88) if i don't already have your grid square (as these don't count for VUCC).
-- KD6PAG (Networking Old-Timer, Satellite QRPer)
P.S. I will be activating CM86 (Santa Cruz) again on the first Saturday in June and i am still considering CM79, probably on June 23 or 24.
P.P.S. If enough folks think this kind of posting should go to a separate list, i'll look into setting one up.