I'm looking for a suitable antenna that I can use to operate over AO-7 in mode A . The main requirement that it be hand-held.
I've looked on the Internet and, so far, I haven't found any off-the-shelf antennas. I did, however, find several websites that have instructions for home-brew designs but none were specifically for mode A.
One possibility that occurred to me is to combine 2 different types, such as an eggbeater for 2 m and a hand-held HF loop for 10 m. One drawback that I see for this arrangement is that it might be too big or too heavy for it to be practical as a hand-held unit.
Does anyone know of a commercially available mode A antenna suitable for hand-held operation or know of a home-brew design for one?
Thank you.
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL