I have been sucked into a discussion that makes me feel like I have spent the last six months in a coma...
In a nutshell:
Now, let me remind you of the latest developments, as seen from a casual but highly interested observer like myself, and you will tell me if this is a sad joke or what.
1) From the AMSAT newsfeed, on July 25 we learn that "AMSAT-NA, AMSAT-DL, and Virginia Tech Announce Potential Phase-3E Opportunity".
2) In the following months there has been absolutely NO FOLLOW-UP, no information whatsoever on this potentially crucial piece of information.
3) A couple of days ago, completely out of the blue, we learn that "AMSAT Ground Terminal Development Expands to Texas".
Hello? WTF is going on here? The P3E launch opportunity has morphed into a geostationary satellite (never heard a thing about that). The projct has morphed from a P3E "old school" satellite into this digital monster (never heard a thing about that). Things have developed to such an extent that now "ground terminals are being expanded"...
Here's a link to the thread:
73 HNY Pete MM0TWX