Thanks for asking this question Michael, I too have spent the last couple weeks trying to use HRD with my IC9100 and was overcome with frustration that sometimes I would look at the radio and notice that one thing or another was wrong.. (both of them were on USB or whatever). I then began configuring the radio correctly then turning on tracking in HRD so all it had to do was adjust freq.. I would only hear others however if i turned the dial and searched for them.. Yesterday I installed SATPC32 and was surprised how well it worked.
So - here is where I'm stuck.. 1) I'm using the “turnstiled” Moxon rectangles for 2 m and 70 cm with pre-amps. But in this scenario how much power do I need. I'm guessing 10 watts? Anything lower and my IC9100 doesn't appear to have any real output.
2) When I do talk (with appropriate mic gain) I think I hear myself but it's just way over-modulated sounding. Using Heil Pro-set with icom adapter.. Maybe today (field day) with the one FO29 pass I will try with the ICOM microphone.. This will be my first linear bird as well. For Field Day if anyone hears me, I will greatly appreciate a reply - and I will be operating as K5EOK 3A.
3) How do I add the other 'channels' to SATPC32 for FO-29's uplink/downlink.. Looks like it comes with only 435.850 programmed so I need to add .860, .870, .880, .890 and .900 as well as .800 to .840.. but why does it show in CAT tuning as 435850.45 with a downlink of 145952.15.. I would think it would be 850.0 and 950.0??
Thanks, and I apologize for my ignorance and desperation. It's sad that I'm doing a field day demo of how fun satellites are but I can't make a satellite contact to save myself.