Nothing heard from AO-91 on pass over EM79 a few minutes ago. Sometimes it's me, so if somebody else was able to transmit through the bird, go with that.
Steve AI9IN
On 2019-04-30 1:02 pm, Burns Fisher via AMSAT-BB wrote:
I cycled the power to the IHU and it popped right back the way it should be. Should be fine now, but reports for the next day or two will be appreciated.
73, Drew KO4MA AMSAT VP Operations
-Looks much better all right. If cycling the IHU fixed it, that does imply it was an IHU problem, although we could have guessed that the tx was ok, since we were getting telemetry ok. Since the IHU cycled ok, that implies that it was not the program memory. Given that we got telemetry in idle and for a few seconds after the transponder went off, that means a lot of stuff was ok. I'm guessing that probably some bits got flipped in the data for the software high pass filter, which would explain why there was trash in what should have been the telemetry audio frequency band (below 200Hz).
Burns WB1FJ AMSAT Fox Software
On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 12:17 PM Andrew Glasbrenner via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote: