Clint, Remember this one for your Extra exam...
Ascending passes cross the equator going south to north. Descending passes cross the equator going north to south. So the answer to the first question would be C and the answer to the second question would be A.
73s, Eric Christensen, W4OTN AMSAT Area Coordinator - Southeastern Virginia USA AMSAT Member 35360
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Clint Bradford wrote:
Can you determine the direction of travel of an amateur satellite's path merely by whether it is ascending or descending?
These current amateur radio exam questions seem weird to me - I mean, our AO-51 can ascend from the North or the South...
What is the direction of an ascending pass for an amateur satellite? A. From west to east B. From east to west C. From south to north D. From north to south
What is the direction of a descending pass for an amateur satellite? A. From north to south B. From west to east C. From east to west D. From south to north
Clint Bradford, K6LCS / KAF3359 909-241-7666
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