An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at Liceo Statale "Ilaria Alpi", Rutigliano, Italy
on 11 Nov. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 11:16 UTC. It is recommended that you start listening approximately 10 minutes before this time.The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be a telebridge between NA1SS and VK4KHZ. The contact should be audible over Australia and adjacent areas. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is expected to be conducted in Italian.
Liceo Statale "Ilaria Alpi" is a Secondary School which offers different courses for students aged 13-18. It was founded in 1973 as dependent school and it became autonomous in 2006.
Since 1997 we offer two experimental course: Scientific Studies and Technologic Studies.
In 1998 a Linguistic course and a Social Sciences course were added.
During this period the school has grown from 9 to 30 classes of students. According to the Gelmini Reform, we teach some subject, such as Maths Physics and Science, using CLIL methodology. Our school is located in a small town in Southern Italy, about 20 Km from Bari, in a rural area mainly concerned in fruit and vegetable export.
The teaching staff and pupils are open to changes and innovation. In 2011 we took part in the
Comenius Partnerships "Maths is everywhere" which aimed to give a new dimension oh Maths teaching to applying new methods and to learn maths as a part of everyday life.
The high school I.I.S.S. "T.FIORE-SYLOS" in Terlizzi is characterized because it ensures a basic training extensive and deeper in science than in the humanities, with an emphasis on the study of foreign languages.It provides cultural and methodological tools to understand in depth the reality through the acquisition of rational , creative, design and critical attitudes in front of different
situations, phenomenas and problems. It promotes the development of knowledge, skills and competencies consistent with capacities and personal choices, depending on the continuation of studies or of inclusion into the world of work. In the scientific laboratory are made chemical,
physical and biological experiences such as the measurement of the PH using indicators;
the analysis of cellular tissues of animals and plants; the separation of mixtures through filtration and paper chromatography; the test of the law of Boyle; the determination of the density substances and the volume of materials; experiences on the kinematics of a material point, on the principle of Archimedes and on the laws of dynamics.
Liceo Scientifico "Valdemaro Vecchi" provides students with a sound preparation that is mainly grounded on both the knowledge of scientific subjects, supported by the development of logical and critical abilities, and an efficient self-study method. Beside the traditional path offered by the "liceo scientifico" (high school specializing in scientific subjects) aimed at studying the connection between scientific culture and humanistic tradition, we also offer the "applied sciences" option which provides the students with really advanced competences in the studies relevant to a scientific and technologic culture.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. Come viene ricavato l'ossigeno per il fabbisogno degli astronauti a bordo
della ISS?
2. Dai vostri esperimenti sulla ISS si potranno dedurre invenzioni
tecnologiche utili nell'immediato?
3. La Stazione Spaziale è un sistema chiuso. Come viene assicurata la
chiusura del ciclo, cioè il riutilizzo degli scarti di tutti i processi
che si svolgono all'interno?
4. Sappiamo che a bordo state coltivando delle piante, che tipo di
esperimenti state eseguendo?
5. Sulla ISS si fanno studi al fine di controllare le condizioni
metereologiche del nostro pianeta?
6. Le ricerche condotte sulle colture cellulari rivelano che la loro crescita
è facilitata od ostacolata dalla microgravità?
7. Quali sono le tecniche di riabilitazione a cui siete sottoposti al vostro
8. Quali insegnanti hanno avuto un ruolo importante nella tua vita?
9. Come influenza la comune percezione del tempo il fatto di osservare più
albe e tramonti nella medesima giornata?
10. La ISS è stata progettata cosi come la vediamo, perché assume questa
11. Che cosa si sogna durante le missioni nello spazio?
12. In relazione alla sua recente videoconferenza con il Papa, crede sia
possibile il dialogo tra scienza e fede?
13. Il Metabolismo umano come si comporta in assenza di gravita? Il tuo
metabolismo come sta reagendo?
14. In che modo lo stress dello spazio determina una mutazione accelerata dei
batteri rendendoli più pericolosi?
15. Qual è il contributo scientifico, tecnologico e finanziario che l'Italia
offre a tale missione?
16. E' possibile la procreazione nello spazio?
17. Quali conseguenze potrebbero scaturire dalla contaminazione con batteri
non terrestri provenienti da pianeti, comete e satelliti che esploriamo?
18. Attualmente quali sono le ipotesi avanzate sulla possibilità che le nuove
generazioni siano in grado di vivere nello spazio senza conseguenze
permanenti sul DNA, in ragione dell'azione dei raggi cosmici?
19. Nel momento in cui un meteorite impatta con la ISS in che modo e
possibile abbandonare la Stazione Spaziale?
20. So che è stata scoperta una grotta lunare lunga 50 Km e alta 1000 m dove
si potrebbe trovare ghiaccio utilizzabile per colonie umane. Secondo lei
è possibile che si possa formare una colonia umana sulla luna ed
eventualmente su altri pianeti?
21. Come è progettata la tuta spaziale in modo da garantire la sicurezza
personale e la funzionalità nello svolgimento delle azioni necessarie?
1. How is oxygen obtained for astronauts' needs on board ISS?
2. Will your experiments on the ISS be turned into useful technological
inventions in the immediate future?
3. The Space Station is a closed system. How is the closing of the recycle
process ensured, that is, the reuse of the waste of all the processes
taking place inside?
4. We know that on board you are cultivating plants, what kind of experiments
are you doing?
5. Is ISS doing studies to control the weather conditions of our planet?
6. Does research conducted on cell cultures reveals that their growth is
facilitated or obstructed by microgravity?
7. What are the rehabilitation techniques you undergo upon your return?
8. What teachers have played an important role in your life?
9. How does the common perception of time influence the observation of
sunrise and sunset on the same day?
10. Was ISS designed as we see it, why did it assume this form?
11. What do you dream about during space missions?
12. In connection with the recent videoconference with the Pope, is it
possible that a dialogue between science and faith is possible?
13. How does human metabolism behave in the absence of gravity? How does your
metabolism react?
14. How does space stress cause an accelerated mutation of bacteria making
them more dangerous?
15. What is the scientific, technological and financial contribution that
Italy offers to this mission?
16. Is it possible for procreation to occur in space?
17. What could be the consequences of contamination with non-terrestrial
bacteria from planets, comets and satellites we explore?
18. At present, what are the hypotheses advanced about the possibility that
new generations can live in space without permanent consequences on DNA,
because of the action of cosmic rays?
19. When a meteorite impacts with ISS how can you leave the Space Station?
20. I know that a lunar cave was discovered 50 km long and 1000 m high where
one could find ice usable for human colonies. According to her, is it
possible that a human colony can be formed on the moon and eventually on
other planets?
21. How is the space suit designed to ensure personal safety and
functionality in carrying out the necessary actions?
Visit ARISS on Facebook. We can be found at Amateur Radio on the
International Space Station (ARISS).
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Next planned event(s):
1. TX-801st Air Force JROTC at Burleson High, Burleson, Texas,
telebridge via W6SRJ
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS
The scheduled astronaut is Paolo Nespoli IZØJPA
Contact is a go for: Mon 2017-11-13 14:50 UTC
2. Carmelita Manara, Milano, Italy and I.C. "Pascoli Forgione",
San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, telebridge via VK4KHZ
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS
The scheduled astronaut is Paolo Nespoli IZØJPA
Contact is a go for: Tue 2017-11-14 10:15 UTC
About ARISS:
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station (ISS). In the United States, sponsors are the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT), the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students in classrooms or informal education venues. With the help of experienced amateur radio volunteers, ISS crews speak directly with large audiences in a variety of public forums. Before and during these radio contacts, students, teachers, parents, and communities learn about space, space technologies, and amateur radio. For more information, see www.ariss.org, www.amsat.org, and www.arrl.org.
Thank you & 73,
David - AA4KN
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