Here are links with antenna patterns for the DCA:
and the EZ-Lindenblad:
The difference is in the lengths of the "RG-59 (75ohm) phasing harness" and dipoles to achieve a 50 ohm impedance at the required frequency.
The angle of the crossbooms affects the directivity of the antenna, in the examples given, 60 degrees for a NOAA satellite in a geosynchronous orbit and 30 degrees for a LEO orbit.
The only differences I see are the 50 ohm load feedpoint and the Lindenblad dipoles are not exactly in the same plane as the DCA.
-73, Joe Spier, K6WAO President, AMSAT
On 04/01/2018 06:28 AM, Hans (BX2ABT) wrote:
Double Cross Antenna (DCA)