Hello everyone,
I have a sort of odd question which has been bouncing around in my mind.
Back in the October issue of QST there was a map of the 6m grid squares that displayed a grid map with colored squares showing the most wanted to least wanted grids. I understand that the map was based on a survey of 6m users - but I was curious if there was anything similar for satellites?
Also, I am sorry for the delay in sending this - but I wanted to thank Patrick, WD9EWK and Drew, KO4MA for the AO27 contacts this past Saturday. Our ARES group was helping with a county wide communications exercise assisting Emergency Services. During our late lunch we had a impromptu satellite demonstration. I had a hard time finding the satellite, but eventually made it. I mistakenly switched in to auto-mode in providing my grid information, we were actually located in EM85 instead of my home qth of EM95. My friend Mac, K3CLM tried to make it as well using his HT and Elk antenna. We had around 12 individuals watching the demo. Hopefully we will get more interested in operating the birds. Thanks again to Patrick and Drew.
Michael, K4MOA