The author does not understand the world frequency management system. ITU licenses nothing and has no authority. ITU Member States retain ALL authority through their individual national sovereignty. Member States agree to behave in their mutual best interests though the mechanism of the ITU Constitution, Convention, and annexed regulations, which all have treaty status in binding signatory nations.
More information is available in the ITU Constitution and Convention: http://www.itu.int/pub/S-CONF-PLEN-2011/en (download your favorite language edition). A general description of the process, with special emphasis on the amateur services, is in: http://www.iaru.org/satellite/IARUSATSPEC_REV15.6.pdf.
I hope this helps.
73, art….. W4ART Arlington VA
On 26-Aug-2012, at 07:46 AM, Trevor . [email protected] wrote:
At the recent Summer CubeSat Workshop there was a presentation about the draft of US WP 7B which is proposing a band at 460-470 MHz for the use of CubeSats.
The Powerpoint slides can be seen at
The slides from the other presentations can be seen at
73 Trevor M5AKA
“I am, and ever will be, a white-socks, pocket-protector, nerdy engineer." - Neil Armstrong 1930-2012
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