At 12:34 PM 2/26/2007, joseph Murray wrote:
Dear Trevor ( M5AKA )
I continue to ask one question about digital voice on HF.
When will Hams see a digital voice system that will be able to Handle a 20 meter pile up.
So far , the answers have been negative.
Would Trevor know of any system that could accomplish that feat.
History has shown that older systems will stay around if they are still useful to the ham community. CW is a perfect example, and AM still exists in niches. Similarly, analog SSB and FM will continue to exist and be used on air for decades. Furthermore, the next generation of radios are likely to be software defined, so there will be no problems maintaining backwards compatibility with the modes we enjoy today. If the radio doesn't have the mode we want, we will be able to either download a firmware upgrade or Google for the source code we need and install it ourselves.
73 de VK3JED http://vkradio.com