I'll be roving to FN09/FO00 this weekend! Driving up on Friday, operating on Saturday and then driving home on Sunday. There are plenty of good passes, covering all parts of North America, into Europe and the northern half of South America. Please have a look at the schedule below and get back to me if I haven't covered your QTH. We'll try and work something out! As always, the schedule depends on the weather and local road conditions, but the forecasts do look promising. Follow me on Twitter @ve3hls for updates! VE3HLS Easter Rove Saturday March 31 ++ FN09/FO00 ++ 31.03.2018 FO-29 14:14 CA 31.03.2018 AO-73 14:26 CA 31.03.2018 AO-07 14:36 EU 31.03.2018 AO-91 15:20 EU 31.03.2018 AO-07 16:24 EU+ 31.03.2018 AO-91 16:53 31.03.2018 SO-50 17:58 31.03.2018 AO-91 18:29 31.03.2018 SO-50 19:40 CA/EU 31.03.2018 AO-07 20:04 SA Times are my AOS (UTC) CA - pass covers west to California EU - pass covers east to Europe EU+ - pass covers deep into Europe! SA - pass covers well into South America 73, and Happy Easter! KenVE3HLS