On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Roger Duthie [email protected] wrote:
Commanding went well, from as far as we could make out. We're not sure if we're getting anything back, however.
We'll be doing this pass today, hopefully:
26 Oct <http://www.heavens-above.com/**Gtrack.aspx?Session=** kebgfdallleggankjgmmlbel&**satid=5580&date=40842.**6100238657http://www.heavens-above.com/Gtrack.aspx?Session=kebgfdallleggankjgmmlbel&satid=5580&date=40842.6100238657> 7.3 15:31:43 10 S 15:38:26 60 E 15:46:11 10 NNE
[Times in BST = UTC + 1]
There was a brief item about Prospero near the end of the latest Space Boffins podcast:
It mentions the involvement of hams in this project.
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL