I have to say I'm in agreement with some of the comments already expressed here. I found some of the answer choices too limiting. For instance I'm like everone else in that I'd like to see an HEO launched, or a GEO if it's at all within the relam of possibility but I wonder if there shouldn't be a parallel pursuit of an LEO linear transponder bird. I just have this fear of putting all our eggs in one basket with an HEO only to find we will never be able to find a launch for it. I've already expressed the opinion that P3E will be finished at the end of this year and then languish in storage for God knows how long before a launch can be found. I do sincerely hope I'm wrong but suppose I'm right. What is the fallback plan? FO-29 is gone as far as North America is concerned and the venerable AO-7 probably can't sustain it's wonderful ressurection forever. That leaves VO-52 and Delfi -C3 when it comes to linear transponders. Tell me if I'm missing one. Unlike some here, I am one that enjoys the FM birds but doesn't AMSAT-NA need to be at least considering a linear transponder LEO? It may very well be the best we can do. 73, Michael, W4HIJ