Hi All,
K4AMG will be demonstrating SAT COMS on May 3rd at the Major Hillard Library FM 16. Will get on the air as close to 1100 UTC as we can. We will also have an HF station operating. We will also try a HAND HELD /P station on SO 50.
At 1600 UTC we will hold a FORUM in the library meeting room. We will feature the AMSAT Simulator and AO 73.
Please try to work our GOTA station.
We have a new trailer that carries the antenna and our tilt over tower. This was fabricated by K4NDH.
We have solved a problem we had during our W1AW/4 VA event. Our 2 meter preamp and switching network died. Fortunately it is under warranty. Tested the rig last night night after by passing the preamp and did well on FO 29. "Our SWR jumped to 5+ :1 and the preamp detracted from the signals on 2 meter down link frequencies" when it went bad.
See our flyer at K4AMG.org under events.
God Bless