I'm just setting up my ICOM IC910H for 9k6 and although I'm not yet there, I offer some observations which might be useful.
1. Both the main and sub band data sockets appear to be the the same - ie the manual does not distinguish between them.
2. I have set up a 9k6 connection using a (second hand) SYMEK TNC2H 9k6 tnc. This uses a 180 degree 5 pin DIN at the TNC end and the 8 pin mini DIN at the TRX end. I have used an old connector from a Mouse but had to cut into the plug to hard wire to the earth connector. I've also used an ex-keyboard plug (see below), the advantage is that most of the leads are already soldered.
3. Under Win 2k I use AGWPE and either UISS or AGWPE Term to drive it - need to specify the SYMEK when setting up and leave the default PC-to-TNC speed as 9k6.
4. Setting up the SYMEK was a pig. It has 8 dip switches and according to the manual the 9k6 Pc-to-tnc setting was UP-DOWN-UP. In fact it's DOWN-UP-DOWN while the rest of the dip switches are correctly described - as in the picture on the front of the SYMEK manual (that took me 3 months!!).
5. When set up a quick tx click will see the ptt light up on the tnc and key the radio. Tracking doppler with HR Deluxe - an excellent program BTW -, I can currently rx AO51 and GO32 9k6 data.
6. However I can't find a way to get raw hex. Normally I would use Packcom in DOS but Win 2K doesn't do DOS, I have tried DOSBOX but Packcom doesn't connect to the tnc while in the Box. Anybody know a freeware windows terminal program that can put the tnc into KISS?
7. Current objective is to use UISS to digipeat through GO-32. This will need two leads from the TNC 5 pin DIN, one to the main band to rx and one to the sub band to tx. I have built this but the earth connection pin 2 isn't connected on my ex-keyboard DIN connector lead so will cut into the plug again (using the casing doesn't work).
Hope that helps /is of interest
73 de andy G0SFJ
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