I would reduce the paid up members fee to free, raise the dues a little if you want to, to make up for it...
Everybody has to use their AMSAT.org call sign, this would establish the current paid up database.
For Non paid up members you could charge anything you want...up to you...even sell monthly or yearly privileges...at whatever rate.
Responders to questions could choose to answer direct at no cost or to the BB at the going rate determined by their paid status.
Those who want copies of responses could ask for them and be included in non personal replies.
Different AMSAT organizations could provide members in "good standing" lists to the central clearing house "paid" members list.
Lastly, give a senior discount...oops, there goes all the money....forget the senior discount.
On 10/20/2012 6:46 PM, K4FEG wrote:
I propose that AMSAT-NA start charging to post on the BB. My proposal goes something like this;
to be able to post on the AMSAT-BB, the individual posting must link a PayPal account or Valid Credit Card that AMSAT-NA can charge each time that they post on the BB.
The fee schedule would be as follows: Members; $1.00 per post, Non-members; $1.50 per post, a monthly charge for members of $60.00 per month for unlimited posts for that month and non-members a monthly charge $100.00 for the same unlimited monthly posting. Then there could be an annual charge to members of $500.00 for 1 year of unlimited postings or for non-members an annual charge of $750.00 for unlimited postings.
Finally we could sell Lifetime Posting Privileges for a one time fee of $5,000.00 for members and non-members a charge of $7,500.00.
These fee schedules are in line with many of the other organizations and just think of the funding that could be brought in for launching new satellites!!