Joe Fitzgerald, KM1P, in answer to a comment made the following reply:
" recommend using This file is updated daily with ISS elements from the Johnson Space Flight Center, so you should be dead on to ISS. It is also the go-to place for new satellites as soon as we get reliable information/identification often before we get information from other sources."
This is very good advice and I want to make sure it's not lost is the daily AMSAT-BB dialogue! Note that SatPC32 and probably most of the other tracking programs do not have the above URL listed in the standard choices. I suggest that you add this option to your tracking program either by changing the update choices or even typing in the above URL each time if you have no other option. In SatPC32, you can add the URL to the auxiliary file "Celetrak.SQF" I tried it and it works. Note that you will have to close SatPC32 and reopen it in order to read in the new "Celetrak.SQF" data.
Ray Hoad WA5QGD