Please join us in listening to the ISS contact with participants at the
*Sandringham School, St. Albans, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom *on Friday 8 January. AOS is anticipated at 08:47 UTC
The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be a DIRECT between GB1SS and GB1SAN in the United Kingdom. The contact is expected to be conducted in English.
This contact is the first of Astronaut Tom Peakes' Principia Mission
Audio from this contact will be available at:
https://principia.ariss.org/ click on Live Webcast
Audio from the Principia website will be fed for those unable to join into the:
EchoLink *AMSAT* (101377) Server
IRLP Node 9010 Discovery Reflector
Audio on EchoLink / IRLP is dependent on the Principia website
Please note that on Echolink /IRLP there are manual breaks approximately every third question. Connected repeaters may time out.
** Contact times are approximate. If the ISS executes a reboost or other manoeuvre, the AOS (Acquisition Of Signal) time may alter by a few minutes **
John - AG9D