my internet access fails to access that site due to TLS error it seems the site is not good enough for firefox which is surprising because firefox has trouble getting a scroll bar to work i will try the duck duck go later thanks for the info.
it seems those are HAM frequencies but i am so confused i could be wrong oh boy i turned the oven on and forgot what i was going to cook my brains are already done
________________________________ From: Joseph B. Fitzgerald [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 8:24 AM To: Robert Coppock [email protected]; Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF [email protected] Cc: [email protected] [email protected] Subject: Re: [AMSAT-BB] Re: 2021.11.9 50kg microsatellite Z-Sat was launched. / 2021年11月9日 超小型衛星 Z-Sat が打ち上げられました
Sorry Robert, I assumed you had web access. The following is from the IARU frequency coordination page. Note that the earth observation mission is not using amateur frequencies.
Z-sat is a 50kg microsat with two missions:
1) Mission: BBS service Exchanging messages between amateurs all over the world in amateur service. Any amateur can use the space station like a BBS by uploading and downloading messages. The specific steps includes: An amateur radio station transmits messages to the space station for individual/public and these messages are stored in the space station. Another amateur radio station transmits a specific message to the space station and the space station transmits a reply message whether any message to him exists or not. If exists, the amateur radio station can receive the message by transmitting a specific message to the space station. Frequency band: - UPLINK : 435-438 MHz - DOWNLINK : 145-146 MHz (Note:The usage of the BBS is shown in the following URL. (same as ChubuSat-2 except frequencies) https://www.frontier.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en/chubusat/chubusat_satellite2.htm...
[Non-Amateur Mission] using frequencies outside the amateur satellite service spectrum (2) Mission: The Earth observation Imaging particular site with the infrared camera. Frequency band: - UPLINK : S-band - DOWNLINK : S-band No launch defined but planning a sun synchronous LEO. **BBS downlink has been coordinated on 145.875 MHz and for the BBS uplink 435.480 MHz**
de KM1P Joe