Hi Alan!
I have been using 10W from an old Kenwood TM-541A 1.2 GHz FM mobile, connected to a 10-element Yagi with 6 feet of coax. I was on two passes earlier this morning, and two passes last night. Even with the smallest tuning steps on the TM-541A at 10 watts, I am able to get through during most of almost any pass. I have been using this setup for the past few months.
In the past, I was working AO-92 L/V with 1 watt from an Alinco DJ-G7T HT into the same coax and Yagi. The DJ-G7T tunes in 5 kHz steps, which is helpful at the lower power level. The AFC in AO-92's uplink receiver doesn't appear to work with weaker signals, where the 10W from the TM-541A works even if I am a couple of kHz from what the Doppler-adjusted uplink frequency would be at some moments during passes.
What radio, coax, and antenna are you using for your 1.2 GHz uplink?
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/ Twitter: @WD9EWK or http://twitter.com/WD9EWK
On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 9:52 PM Alan Blind via AMSAT-BB amsat-bb@amsat.org wrote:
Using 10 Watts, I have not been able to get into AO-92 L Band.
Perhaps my 10 Watts are too low. Have there been updates from AMSAT on recommended L band power? What power do others run?