On 18/10/12 16:34, [email protected] wrote:
Well all this sounds great , BUT does Amsat have the money to put anything in space If so why has it not been done. As I said once before the cubsats that go beep beep have not helped me or anyone get a single new grid.. Can anyone at Amsat convince the schools or the rocket folks to let a ham satellite ride along with any launch? Im am sure that there are alot of satellite users out there who careless about the beepers. Looking to the future I would think that Amsats support may drop off some without something positive for the supporters to lock on to ( A DATE )
Gas, grass or ass - no-one rides for free. If you want to fly a cubesat you'll need to scrape up the 30 grand or so yourself. It's not *that* expensive, really.
I just don't understand the need for beepers Im sorry
I just don't understand the need for "hard sats" that require computer-controlled rotators and tuning to work. If I want to sit in front of the computer and talk to someone half a planet away, I use Skype.
You know what, I'm just about done with this list. No-one seems to be keen to discuss anything other than their pipe dream of a HEO sat the size of a Transit van with SSB from 80m to 24GHz and no real idea of how to fund it, or alternatively how to install the right driver in Windows to stop their rotator controller showing up as a USB-programmable personal massage device.
Can we *please* have some practical discussion of how we can move things forward? We're going to need money, we're going to need satellites, and we're going to need someone to bring the two together at just the right moment to get them on a flight. It can't possibly be *that* hard.