It's an entirely different program. Unfortunately it has the same filename as the spyware "Activity Logger".
On 12/21/06, Ron G. Seiler [email protected] wrote:
When I went to install alogger on my PC, my anti-spyware software quarantined it and gave the following explanation:
alogger.exe (Activity Logger Spyware) - Details
If you find a program with the name alogger.exe on your pc, you may have a spyware program called 'activity logger' installed on your pc. This process may have been installed on your computer via an installation package (potentially when another application was installed). The 'activity logger' process has been known to capture emails being sent to/from your computer, capture your key-strokes, and capture screen-shots
alogger.exe is considered to be a security risk, not only because spyware removal programs flag Activity Logger Spyware as spyware, but also because a number of users have complained about its performance.
Activity Logger Spyware is likely spyware and as such, presents a serious vulnerability which should be fixed immediately! Delaying the removal of alogger.exe may cause serious harm to your system and will likely cause a number of problems, such as slow performance, loss of data or leaking private information.
alogger.exe is related to alsys.exe, alogcfg.exe, alaware.dll.
Is the alogger.exe in the ALOGGER program the same as the alogger.exe spyware (but being employed for a benign purpose) or is it an entirely different executable file? Thanks.
73, Ron VA7VW
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of A.J. Farmer (AJ3U) Sent: 19-Dec-06 09:21 AM To: AMSAT BB Subject: [amsat-bb] Get ready to receive RAFT and ANDE telemetry!
The RAFT and ANDE satellites are due to be launched from Shuttle Discovery after it undocks from the ISS. Like PCSAT and PCSAT-2, they will be transmitting telemetry and digipeating APRS packets on 145.825. We are in need of stations around the world to receive this telemetry and gate it to the APRS-IS.
You do not need a complex station to help out! A 2-meter receiver and omni-directional antenna will work just fine. If we have many stations with omni antennas that participate, it will be just as effective as a smaller number of stations that have full tracking antennas. When you are away from your home 2M station, put it to good use by setting it to 145.825 and gate the packets heard to the APRS-IS using software such as UI-View32 (http://www.ui-view.org). You can also use ALogger which was designed for this purpose. You can download ALogger here: http://www.billdiaz.dynip.com/Alogger204.zip
An easier option: If you have a TM-D700 radio, it is very easy to set up your radio to work as a SatGate to help capture these packets. You do not need an Internet connection at all for this setup! See details here:
Here is the operations website for ANDE and RAFT:
Access for digipeating is not granted until their primary mission is complete. Look for an e-mail from Bob (WB4APR) for a go-ahead to start digipeating.
-- A.J. Farmer, AJ3U http://www.aj3u.com _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb