MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracker) was used a few times.
Tommy N3TJO
On Sun, Oct 18, 2020, 21:35 Glenn Little WB4UIV via AMSAT-BB < amsat-bb@amsat.org> wrote:
Something to add to the list:
MHz Mega Hertz mHz milli Hertz
These are often used interchangeably, where in some cases it is obvious what is meant, in other case you are left guessing. The SI system works well when properly used.
You see someone stating that they are on 432.00 mHz when they really mean 432.00 MHz. A very big difference.
73 Glenn WB4UIV
On 10/18/2020 8:38 PM, Eric Skoog via AMSAT-BB wrote:
GREAT IDEA..................I'll wager I get accused of using more
than anyone! In my Symposium Paper, I attempted to spell out all the acronyms I did use, but I'm not sure I did in my presentation and if so, the slides probably went by too fast for those to be "digested!." So I went back and resurrected the acronyms I used for the GOLF system design introduction and have included those in this message as my 'contribution' to the cause............
ACM Adaptive Coding and Modulation
ADAC Attitude Determination And Control
ADC Analog – Digital Converter
AGC Automatic Gain Control
AO-xx AMSAT Oscar (satellite number) xx
APIC Auxiliary Payload Integration Contractor
ASCENT Advanced Satellite Communications and Exploration of New Technology ("skunk works")
Az Azimuth
BPF Band Pass Filter
BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying
C&DH Control and Data Handling
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAN Controller Area Network
CDR Critical Design Review
CIU Control Interface Unit
CMD Command
CONOPS Concept of Operations
COTS Commercial Off The Shelf
CSLI CubeSat Launch Initiative
CSS Coarse Sun Sensor
CW Continuous Wave
DCT Digital Communications Transceiver
DSP Digital Signal Processing
EAR Export Administration Regulation
El Elevation
ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellites
EM Engineering Model
EOL End Of Life
EPS Electric Power Subsystem
FC Flight Computer (an OBC)
FDM Frequency Division Multiplex
FDX Full Duplex
FEA Finite Element Analysis; also Failure Effects Analysis
FEC Forward Error Correction
FEM Finite Element Model
FM Flight Model; also Frequency Modulation
FoV Field of View
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
FPS Functional Performance Specification
GBT GOLF Battery Tender
GEO Geosynchronous Earth Orbit
GEVS General Environmental Vibration Specification (NASA)
GNC Guidance, Navigation, & Control
GND Ground
GOLF Greater Orbit Larger Footprint
GPS Global Positioning System
HEO High Earth Orbit
I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit
ICR Improved Command Receiver (part of the LTM)
ID Identification
IF Intermediate Frequency
IHU Internal Housekeeping Unit (an OBC!)
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
ISDE Institute for Space and Defense Electronics (Vanderbilt University)
ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations
LDPC Low Density Parity Check (FEC code)
LEO Low Earth Orbit
LEPF Low Energy Proton FinFET
LIHU Legacy Internal Housekeeping Unit (an OBC)
LNA Low Noise Amplifier
L.O. Local Oscillator
LT Linear Transponder
LTM Linear Transponder Module
LV Launch Vehicle
MEO Medium Earth Orbit
MRR Mission Readiness Review
MT Magnetorquer
MTTF Mean Time To Fail
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
OAP Orbit Average Power
OBC On Board Computer
OPS Operations
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCU Power Conditioning Unit
PDR Preliminary Design Review
PDU Power Distribution Unit
PMAD Power Management And Distribution
PPT Power Point Tracker
RAD Radiation
RBF Remove Before Flight
RF Radio Frequency
RFNOC RF Network On Chip (ETTUS)
RT/IHU Radiation Tolerant/Internal Housekeeping Unit
RW Reaction Wheel
RX/TX Receiver/Transmitter (part of the LTM)
S/N Signal to Noise (ratio)
SAA South Atlantic Anomaly
SAW Solar Array Wing
SDR Software Defined Radio
SEE Single Event Effects
SEU Single Event Upset
SoC System on Chip
SP Solar Panel
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
SRS System Requirements Specification
SSB Single Side Band
SSPA Solid State Power Amplifier
ST Star Tracker
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
TDM Time Division Multiplex
TLE Two Line Element
TLM Telemetry
TRL Technology Readiness Level (scale of 1 to 9)
TT&C Telemetry, Tracking and Command
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
UHF Ultra High Frequency
USB Universal Serial Bus
UTC Universal Time
uW MicroWave
VHF Very High Frequency
VR Voltage Regulator
VUC Vanderbilt University Controller
WB Wide Band
XCVR Transceiver
enjoy, Eric Skoog (K1TVV) GOLF System Engineer
On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 2:12 PM Burns Fisher via AMSAT-BB < amsat-bb@amsat.org> wrote:
It's a good idea, Gerald--I don't remember such a list, but it could
been. Could you start the ball rolling by sending out the list of terms that you already wrote down which you did not know? Sometimes it's hard for those of us steeped in them to realize what is unknown.
On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 1:56 PM Gerald Payton via AMSAT-BB < amsat-bb@amsat.org> wrote:
Abbreviations and acronyms are a real headache for me from time to
I was told that in the past the AMSAT Journal sometimes printed a table
abbreviations used frequently. I have some Journals from Sept/Oct 2019
current issue, but do not include such table.
Is there such table available and where may I find it, please?
I listen to Saturday's Symposium and was overwhelmed with the terms
I wrote down and looked up later a few of the terms. I realize that it probably take time to learn, but a list or table would help!
Thanks, and 73 to all.
Gerald "Jerry" Payton AB5R EM12kh
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Glenn Little ARRL Technical Specialist QCWA LM 28417 Amateur Callsign: WB4UIV wb4uiv@arrl.net AMSAT LM 2178 QTH: Goose Creek, SC USA (EM92xx) USSVI LM NRA LM SBE ARRL TAPR "It is not the class of license that the Amateur holds but the class of the Amateur that holds the license"
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