Hi Trevor,
Just FYI, I've posted a detailed description of how to set up a station for working the SSB (and also FM) sats on my web page at:
The station consists of twin Yaesu FT-817ND radios and an Elk antenna, and a number of us in the community are using such systems for portable and home ops on SSB sats with very good success.
This article is also in the AMSAT Journal: [David A Palmer, KB5WIA. "Twins! A Backpack-Portable Full Duples Satellite Station with Dual FT-817ND's". AMSAT Journal 2011 34:14-16. ], for anyone that's interested.
Best 73 de Dave KB5WIA
On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Trevor . [email protected] wrote:
The AMSAT new starters page at http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/information/faqs/
is a valuable resource but it seems to be all about FM sats, there's little showing newcomers how to use the Linear Transponder SSB/CW sats.
Why is this, well clearly because no-one, myself included, can be bothered to write something that can be made available on the AMSAT site.
There is of course some infromation scattered around the web that show what can be done with simple equipment on the Linear Transponder satellites such as:
AO7 from Indoors on 2Watts and Arrow antenna. http://observations.biz/Observations_from_Norway/Observations_04_01_2009.htm
The LA2QAA portable AO-7 Station http://observations.biz/Observations_from_Norway/observations_14_06_2008.htm
POWER. How much is enough? http://www.observations.biz/Observations_from_Norway/howmuchpowerisenough.ht...
73 Trevor M5AKA