8 Feb
8 Feb
4:25 p.m.
What am I missing? Thanks, Greg KO6TH
Greg - I've had zero luck using the rtl-sdr dongle directly with FoxTelem. I can get it to connect, at least - but it decodes almost nothing (it has to be a super powerful signal to get anything). However, if I use the same dongle, with GQRX audio piped into FoxTelem via pulse audio, then it works wonderfully. Not sure why the difference is.
I will say that running the GQRX and FoxTelem guis at the same time is a major processor drain. Usually FoxTelem will give up the ghost a few seconds in. If I switch off of the input tab into one of the spacecraft tabs, the processor usage drops dramatically and then I continue on. But this is on a 10 year old laptop so who knows.
--Roy K3RLD