Hello all. I have just started out in SSB satellites and I have been unable to have a QSOÂ through any yet. I can always find the downlink frequency but I can never find the uplink frequency. Is there any particular or easy way of tuning in the uplink frequency quick enough before the Doppler moves off frequency on the downlink. I'm using a Yaesu FT847 with a collinear antenna. Ive been searching everywhere but have not found out any answers yet.....any help would be appreciated.!
Hi Callum,
The following may help you out...It pertains to FO-29, so you can practice there...
I devised this in 1986 to work FO-12 when we only had separate radios....But the frequencies are identical to FO-29...it can be worked with very low power, and it has lots of bandwidth...
I call them my "no ditters"...
Go to:
and take a look at noditter.zip
It is possible to duplicate it from the pics, but if you send me an sase, 9" x 12" for one ounce of postage, I'll send you one printed, and simply a matter of cutting it out. I'll include the correct size sewing snap for assembly, they are hard to find...
I had a bunch of them printed, but can only find one at this time..
And you could devise one for VO52 with a little effort..
Let me know and I'll send you my address...
73, Dave, WB6LLO [email protected]
Disagree: I learn....
Pulling for P3E...