11 May
11 May
4:03 p.m.
To all radio amateurs:
The Irvington Roseland Radio Club is celebrating its 70th Anniversary with a QSO Party on Saturday, May 14, 2016, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT (1400 to 2000 UTC).
Although we'll primarily be on 40m phone and 20m phone, and on the 2m WA2JSB repeater & IRLP, we're also hoping to be on AO-85 at 1332-Z and on SO-50 at 1641-Z.
Please see our website and events page at www.k2gq.comhttp://www.k2gq.com and http://www.k2gq.org/init/static/files/flyer70th.pdf .
Hope to hear from everybody then! 73,
Bob Kovacs KC2WYH AMSAT No. 38304