Checking the datasheets for 9913, 9913F7 and LMR-400DB shows no real world difference at UHF. 2-3 dB (round number) at 500 MHz per 100'. Most ops don't have the gear to measure that small a difference reliably.
Personally would not use 9913 due to it's problems.
Never had a problem with F7. Used two 130' runs of LMR-400DB for 7 years in FL. Replaced the UHF run with LDF4-50A 3 years in. Difference was remarkable. UHF and up for any significant length is worth the time and effort to install hardline. Checked the VHF side on the hardline, doing an A/B comparison. Could not tell the difference.
Next time I've got the sitemaster out, I'll try measuring the loss of two different pieces of F7. One brand new, the other 20 years old, exposed to the elements most of that time. Stay tuned.
Bottom line is that good coax with correctly installed connectors, weatherproofed well will perform identically. Measuring the difference would be very hard.
OTOH, while less quality connectors and coax may measure the same at instillation, will degrade faster. (I.E. moving pieces like antenna whips)
Hardline is cheep these days. New OEM connectors can be had very reasonably and are almost idiot proof to install. (Older ones need special tools!)
I hate doing things twice. These things tend to fail at the worst time.
Personal opinion: this is where pennies and sweat count.
Blah, blah, blah, blah.....
Norm n3ykf
On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 5:00 PM, Burns Fisher [email protected] wrote:
You know how the phone company used to keep paper-insulate thousand (or whatever) conductor, lead sheath cables dry inside? Dry nitrogen pumped in from the central office, and extra bottles soldered in when leaks were found :-)
On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 4:35 PM, Bob- W7LRD [email protected] wrote:
Some years ago I had some 9913, well sealed (so I thought). Gradually the swr crept up. Without a thought, it got trashed and was replaced with LMR 400. Yes the idea of syringing water out of 9913 can work, also a constant blower blowing into the 9913 can work, we can also insert small sponges into the 9913 and replace them when necessary, or we can have the 9913 running down hill the whole way so the water can drip out (makes for a wet ham shack), or we can build a roof over the 9913 to keep it out of the moisture. I could go on and on and I am sure many of you have even more creative ideas! Am I being facetious? Of course I am! Hams can be "cheap" bunch but there is place where a few extra bucks is money well spent. Anything above 70cm I use LMR600. Just having fun today!
73 Bob W7LRD
On January 23, 2018 at 1:03 PM Greg D wrote:
Yes, but wet 9913 has a loss of ? While searching for some hardline to replace my 9913 run some years
I resorted to drilling a hole in the bottom end of the cable, and sucking out the water periodically with a syringe. It was not an insignificant amount, and made a huge difference. Eventually found someone with some leftover LDF4-50A hardline, and made a swap with
for a UHF beam antenna I had extra. Best deal on the planet. If you can truly keep your 9913 dry inside, by all means, go for it. But how do you know it's still dry? To me, it's not worth the
If you like that size cable, I'd go with LMR-400 instead of either variety of 9913. Greg KO6TH Glenn Miller - AA5PK wrote: > > 9913F7 has nearly 10 dB attenuation/100 feet at 400 MHz.
9913 has
about 2.6 dB. https://edesk.belden.com/products/techdata/metric/pdf/
https://catalog.belden.com/techdata/EN/9913_techdata.pdf I know which I'd choose. -----Original Message----- From: Norm n3ykf Sent: Tuesday,
January 23,
2018 1:09 PM To: Greg D Cc: <, [email protected] mailto:
[email protected] >, ;
anderson58625 Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Exciting Coax 9913 is not 9913F7 Google is your friend, or perhaps if one is lazy, not. Norm n3ykf Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/
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