This raises the question of where, when, and why are rotors and directional gain antennas required and/or necessary. sure,it's preferable not to be radiating power in a direction not directed to the transponder but I'm more so inquiring about the limiting factors here. If I make the assumption that I have 100W or even 1000W at the antenna feedpoint,I likely can generate enough EIRP to reach the sat with full quieting (or is getting enough EIRP a problem here?) likely more of the issue is one of effective rx sensitivity and system noise figure, along with sufficient rx antenna gain to hear the down link. It would be helpful for someone to demonstrate the required up link and down link link budgets and how they apply here. where if at all is a setup with rotators and directional antennas required to work current or expected sats and when can a modest station with sufficient uplink power and excelent rx sensitivity/selectivity be expected to get the job done?
Eric, AF6EP
On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 10:54 PM, Clint Bradford [email protected] wrote:
Modest yagis are more effective than eggbeaters ... Computer-controlled yagis with an elevation rotator is an "ideal" setup for many.
You will receive some excellent suggestions from those with more elaborate systems than mine
Clint K6LCS
Sent from my iPod touch.