Hi all ,
I would like to work the LEO-satellites after a stop of my amsat-activities since 12 years now again . But I have changed my QTH in the Swiss-Alps and the weather is at a lot of times of the year very roughly . (A lot of snow, ice and storms ...)
So , I want NOT use long YAGI-Antennas with rotators again – ... or so on ..- because all was always and always – also the rotator – demaged . So I am interested to use – maybe – only fixed antennas for 2m/70cm like the edgbeater from M2 or the other like this (I found it in the internet ) :
BUY BOTH as KIT : ================= UC-AMSAT-KITP, 2 m / 70 cm Passive Amateur Satellite Antenna Kit Item #: UC-AMSAT-KITP-VHFL-UHFR-N-VHF-10ft-UHF-10ft Availability: approx. 2 weeks Usually ships In approx. 2 weeks Price: $250.00
But they will always use with low-noise 20 dB-gain-Preamplifieres installed on the top of my house directly after the antennas .
Can anybody tell me , which antenna-types will get the best results as fixed-mounted ones or have anybody experiences or maked a compare between these antennas ...?
Like this : http://www.antennas.us/store/p/229-UC-4364-328-UHF-Amateur-Satellite-Antenna... ??? or these : http://www.m2inc.com/pdf_manuals/EB-144%20_%20RK2M.pdf ???
Which of them will be better work for LEO-communication ...??
73 de Jens / HB9JOI