"Because the board doesn't want you to interfere with their addition of this rule, they have required ... writing a letter on paper and mailing it with a stamp."
This person didn't read existing bylaws, is intentionally trying to mislead readers, or a combination of the two. The written requirement is not something the current board implemented.
"Include the initiative on the ballot for the next directors like president's club inserts in the past and let the membership vote after the complete text of the proposed changes are included on the ballot insert. "
This statement demonstrates complete ignorance of the bylaws of the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT.)
Timing of AMSAT's proposed bylaws changes is in advance of the upcoming 2021 election of Directors. The proposed changes clarify dates with regards to candidate eligibility. Making these bylaws changes saves the corporation in mailing costs and allows for electronic balloting (eliminating handling of paper ballots.)
73 Clayton W5PFG