I’m pretty sure I made my first APRS via ISS contact today, which is fairly exciting for me….
I’m using a Yaesu FTM-400 connected to my M2 LEO pack.
A few questions for those that are more familiar:
I sent CQ SAT FN20 as my message, is this appropriate or is there a bette format?
I expected to receive an automated reply from RS0ISS, but I did not. Any idea as to why not?
I received a direct message from another operator, to which I replied. His was the only message that I decoded although I heard many other transmissions. Any idea why I only decoded one?
I went to
aprs.net and I see all of the messages there, including mine.
Wondering if there are any resources for learning about this more, especially using the FTM400 APRS and satellite.
Thanks for the help!
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