Dear fellow bird chasers,
While digging on the internet, I managed to discover better map border files for use on GcmWin. I initially found them using the Wayback Machine, using the link provided on the GcmWin website. However, I've found a more convenient link on the website for MicroCAM, http://www.csiss.org/map-projections/microcam/ .
Select the link mwdbpoly.zip. In this zip file are several different map options you can use - I use PCANPROV, PBORDER, PUSA48, PALASKA, PMEXICO, and PISLAND. You apply these files the same way you select the default map, in by going to Options, then properties, then to the borders tab. You may want to experiment with the line width and alpha settings.
Note: these borders are from 1995, and as such, are missing Nunavut, South Sudan, Serbia, Montenegro, and any other border changes since then.
Marty Schuette, N9EAT
AMSAT #40076