We have launched four satellites and a fifth is complete and awaiting launch.
AO92 ‘seems’ to be having some battery issues. The membership is still waiting on a failure analysis for AO95. HO107 went SK not long after being commissioned. Yes, I know, space is hard. Have we truly learned anything from our failures?
and revenue continue to increase after a long period of decline
If all is well, why did AMSAT take out a Government loan when many of us had friends and family that lost businesses because they truly needed a loan and couldn’t get one?
In addition to satellite projects, we have launched a new, modern membership portal. Our members now have access to all issues of The AMSAT Journal from 2014 to the present and all of the AMSAT Symposium Proceedings since 1986 through this portal. More publications are coming soon.
Why did it take until 2020 to have this happen? People have been paying other organizations online for decades, online payment processing isn’t really cutting edge technology. I would never brag about being so far behind the times as having, just now, allowed members to access their info and join online. Also, it’s not really cutting edge to FTP docs onto a server and put them in a environment that requires a password. Seems to me that if it takes AMSAT until 2020 to have a ‘membership portal’ that it’s time for some new, progressive leadership.
If you want us to continue on the journey
I, personally, would prefer a journey of openness and transparency from leadership. I would prefer that AMSAT Directors have monthly (more if needed) meetings. I would prefer AMSAT leaders that won’t discriminate against members because they aren’t part of a certain clique. I have heard from so many members during this election cycle that feel the same way.
Do I have all the answers? Not at all. Am I willing to have an open mind, listen to all members and be willing to devote an hour or two a month to meet and collaborate to move the organization forward, yes I am. This has NOT happened with legacy incumbents. Legacy incumbents have had their chance to affect change and have not done so.
If members don’t want to continue on the status quo route and want openness and transparency then they should vote for myself, Howie DeFelice AB2S and Bob McGwier N4HY.
Jeff WE4B http://we4bravo.com