I believe that you will find the corporate answer to ham radio equipment aboard a ship is "no". All lines, standard disclaimer. That being said, the ships Master (Captain) can grant use of the equipment on his/her ship during the cruise. In other words, if you ask corporate offices the will tell you; No. You must ask the Captain of the ship you sail on.
This topic comes up all the time and the answer is the same.
I was just on a cruise and as usual I bring a hand held (or 2). On the return up the coast of Baja I was on my balcony testing which DStar repeaters in Southern California I could hit. I had a QSO or two, then put my radio back up. All of a sudden there was a loud knock at the cabin door and it opened with 3 security/fire types coming in announcing that a fire alarm had gone off! Apparently there is one on the balcony that the RF, 5 watts UHF, had set off. No, I did not have permission to operate on board, and I did not tell them about my transmission, so I guess the balcony got a new sensor!
As a note, everytime I ask ships personal what the difference between FRS transmission and Ham radio transmission, they do not have an answer. Quite possibly they are concerned about HF transmissions. It would be something to pursue, but for now Amateur Radio is not allowed on board cruise ships.
73 Don WB5EKU
On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 9:21 AM, Clint Bradford [email protected] wrote:
Can we nail down all the cruise ships that prohibit it and those that allow
it into a single document. Then provide a link to it on the AMSAT web page?
Not really. The cruise line I used prohibits it - on their Web site. But our group asked and was allowed free reign with our gear.
So a Web page citing that Holland America prohibits anything is irrelevant.
The best advice, IMHO, is to ask your travel agent for assistance with any "extraordinary" requests.
Clint, K6LCS _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb