The auction document makes no mention of whether the band below 2396MHz will still be available for use by the Amateur service; it merely states that the band 2396-2400MHz WILL be available to the amateur service.
Could someone in NZ clarify the situation re. amateur use below 2396MHz?
This auction does not directly impact users of the amateur satellite service which has an allocation 2400-2450MHz. The 13cms band is now getting very fragmented due to geographical restrictions as most EME'rs will testify.
However, there is suggestion at IARU level that both the amateur service and the amateur satellite service should try and obtain a worldwide allocation of a few MHz of spectrum, on a primary basis if possible, between 2390 and 2400MHz. This will not be a quick process, but in the long term could be a major benefit to radio amateurs the world over if it could be achieved.
Grant G8UBN