Okay, so here is what I do to help with Keps and SatPC32:
First, get a Space Track account https://www.space-track.org/auth/login
Second, get TLE Retriever 3 working manually. http://www.celestrak.com/SpaceTrack/TLERetriever3Help.asp
Then, use a batch file like this one to combine numerous files into one--and copy to the correct location in SatPC32. You can select amateur3.txt as the source for keps, and the new birds, cubesats, etc. are all in one big file.
I call it updatekeps.bat and have Windows run every nite in the wee hours of the morning as a scheduled event. You can also run the .bat file manually
Edit paths/folders/usernames to match your system!!!!
____________________________ c:
cd\Hamstuff\TLERetriever3 TLERetriever3.exe -auto copy "C:\Users\hammond\Documents\My TLEs\CelesTrak\amateur.txt" + "C:\Users\hammond\Documents\My TLEs\CelesTrak\tle-new.txt" + "C:\Users\hammond\Documents\My TLEs\CelesTrak\cubesat.txt" "C:\Users\hammond\Documents\My TLEs\CelesTrak\amateur3.txt"
copy "C:\Users\hammond\Documents\My TLEs\CelesTrak\amateur3.txt" "C:\Program Files\SatPC32 12.7\Kepler" _______________________________
This is not a tutorial and comes with no support. But maybe it will inspire somebody...makes my life easier!
Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]