At 04:15 AM 7/2/2008, Alan P. Biddle wrote:
I have an M2 23CM35EZ which works very well with AO-51. Overkill on AO-51, and probably marginal for P3, though they are easy to stack for gain. http://www.m2inc.com/products/uhf/23cm/23cm35ez.html
If you want to go with a commercial helix, Directive Systems makes the DSH23-12. A friend bought one, and in fact got them to make one with a few more turns in it. It worked well, and is certainly designed to withstand the elements. http://www.directivesystems.com/new.htm
Dale, KL7XJ uses one of the Directive Systems Helix antennas for Mode-LU on AO-51 driving with his IC-910H 1.2 GHz module and this works well for him. Hopefully he can fill you in with details. He brought his portable trailer-mounted az-el satellite array to FD but had failure in his Sat AZ-EL controller power supply (24vac) which prohibited antenna movement. He is using a Gulf-Alpha VHF/UHF yagi designed for satellite operation. with the Helix.
The 35EZ antennas was used by a few folks on AO-40 Mode-LS, but either they stacked them or ran more power. I would guess you might want at least a 2x array and 20w for P3E (but no link analysis has been published to my knowledge).
***************************************************** 73, Ed - KL7UW BP40iq, 6m - 3cm 144-EME: FT-847, mgf-1801, 4x-xp20, 185w http://www.kl7uw.com AK VHF-Up Group NA Rep. for DUBUS: [email protected] *****************************************************