Hi Mak, Plain and simple ... and CORRECT!. I endorse your opinion.
73 John. la2qaa@amsat.org .............................................................................................................
Hello all,
I agree also. In addition, don't forget a great benefit of S-band downlink:
the antenna is just a TVRO dish + a patch (or small helix), with great efficiency! I remember the good old days of AO-40, it was possible to access the Satellite just by using a small 10 el. Yagi for Uplink and a small Dish for downlink. The "monster" VHF-UHF crossed Yagi antennas for AO-10 & 13 always was a reason to discourage me from these birds. In contrast, the simplicity of AO-40-gear was very attractive for me and I believe for many other Hams. No Crossed-Yagis, no LNAs, no Coaxial relays etc... Just a Dish, a feeder, a Downconverter and several meters of cheap coaxial cable up to the shack!
I think is wrong to exclude this band from Eagle even the WiFi is grow-up... in any case we have already the S-band equipments and I don't remember an easier way to receive a Satellite.
73, Mak SV1BSX