I'm seeing the data on the SAVE RAFT website - internal temperature is quickly rising - it is now just above 20 deg. C. I also notice that the solar current is dropping; I wonder if this is because of clouding of the epoxy holding the solar panels as they heat up, or meet with more oxygen ions as the descent continues.
Just saying...
David Goncalves W1EUJ
On 5/28/07, Bob Bruninga wrote:
Date: 28 May 2007 10:29 GMT From: "Zimmer Harro" Subject: RAFT Decay Prediction
The current forecast for # 29661 RAFT with the ELSETS 07147.183... - 07148.164... with SFX 065 and ap 005 shows with the special perturbation method the decay on May 30, 13:33 UTC +/- 06 hours descending over 43.64°N and 214.96°E.
Looks like we get one more shot...
Lets everyone that is interested to park their ground station pointing at AOS for RAFT and recording packets. This is a great opportunity to see the heat up of an AMSAT as it re-enters.
Do NOT bother with automatic tracking, since arrival will be much earlier than any keps you can get..
If you can APRS-IGate the packets then that is even better, sinec we can all see the telemetry then in real time.
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