10 May
10 May
11:07 p.m.
I have copied the Telemetry of XW2 satellite on 145975kHz. on 08.05.2016, 16:43 UTC.
cw abbrevated letters as follows:
BJ1SG DFH XW2 XW2 aaaa itbc kf6d ainu 4eei uiaf 6uck akik vtin in4d iu4n 4dtt tttt tttt trm4 tttt bct4 6k4m dddd dddd dddd dddd dddd dddd camsat camsat
I looked into the decode instructions, but was not able to decode all, e.g. character c is not defined, and also character b.
If necessary I can provide a NF recording.
Regards, 73
Helmut, OE1TKW