Hi all,
I have just tried working through AO73, with limited success. I need some very basic help with satellite operation.
I have an IC-9100, I set the uplink and downlink to mid-range (435.140Mhz and 145.960Mhz), then call CQ until I hear my own signal
which has worked every time, then I get problems.
When someone calls me back I panic, what do I do when the doppler kicks in, do I move both TX and Rx, or do I just move my Rx to follow the other guy.
I haven't managed to get SatPC32 controlling my rig yet, also, I want to learn the hard way - manually.
Can someone point me to an article that explains in detail how to operate.
I know this is a very basic question, but we all have to start somewhere. I have managed tow contacts so far. First was AO73 and tonight with FO29.
Not sure how I did it, but thanks to ON5NY and EM5SR.
Happy New Year