Dear colleagues,
The Telecommunication School at Vigo University, Spain, is developing a cubesat that will be launched by ESA. It will transmit in amateur bands, and the University radioclub (EA1RCT) is collaborating in the project. The design is not yet closed and we can send proposals to the development team. The radioclub is willing to hear ideas from the amateur radio comunity: we would like to have a short list ready by next Thursday, June 26, so any proposal we receive before then will be carefully read.
The satellite will be small and lightweight as you know, and it will run on a short electrical budget. Moreover, the time schedule is very tight. One of the main objectives is to test SDR systems in space (not necessarily in amateur bands).
Neither the bands, power o full-duplex capability have been established. It could eventually end up with just a telemetry beacon. We would like to hear your opinions about what the amateur radio community would prefer to carry on board, in these three scenarios:
· full-duplex communication capability (linear transponder, fm rep, etc) · half-duplex systems (digipeater?) · beacon modes (afsk, psk, cw)
Best regards, EA1RCT RadioClub Telecomunicaciones Vigo http://lostrego.uvigo.es